Casinooplevelser Reviews 3 • Average
Denmark DK
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Nicole Rasmussen 10 reviews
Oct 1, 2024 -
DK Country
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Super god oplevelse jeg havde med…
- Super god oplevelse jeg havde med afholdelse af arrangement. Hurtige svar på mail og var gode til at hjælpe med forskellige sammensætninger jeg kunne få ift. setup. Meget fleksible ift. ændringer og en fair pris. Kan kun anbefales til andre!
Kasper Aanæs 16 reviews
Jul 8, 2023 -
DK Country
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Det kan anbefales
- Hurtigt tilbagevenden på tlf da jeg havde skrevet (jeg var i sidste øjeblik)Vi var 35 personer fra 17-76 år og havde lejet to personer med hhv roulette og Black Jack bord ( efter råd fra firmaet) Det passede perfekt alle var engageret i de 2 timer det varede. De to croupier var søde og hjælpsomme og modsat et Casino følte man de “holdt med en” og hjalp dem der ikke havde prøvet det før. Jeg havde købt præmie til de 3 bedste som var en god ide men ikke noget jeg synes man behøver at købe gennem firmaet.Man kan diskutere om det er mange penge men ift den oplevelse vi fik synes jeg ikke det var dyrt.
Jacob Beyer 6 reviews
Jan 8, 2024 -
DK Country
- Visit this website.
Skuffende oplevelse
- Skuffende oplevelse ifm. forespørgsel på casinoevent. Får svar med tilbud pr. mail dagen efter henvendelse - fin hurtig respons. Spørger om priserne er inkl. moms og om de kan sætte lidt flere ord på hvad deres tilbud indeholder ift. afvikling af event etc. Dette får jeg først svar på 3 dage efter og her er svaret så pludselig at chefen ønsker at priserne på Fyn skal hæves og det er nu lige pludselig blevet 20 % dyrere - og det er i øvrigt ex. moms “med mindre vi finder en god løsning” - ved ikke hvad det så betyder men har da mine formodninger. En del af forklaringen på prisstigningen er i øvrigt “specielt med det her vejr”… har hørt om mange mærkelige tillæg men et vejrtillæg er trods alt første gang. Da jeg endnu engang beder dem uddybe hvad deres tilbud indeholder får jeg nu svar retur at en anden kollega nu også har booket casino den dag og hvad tid vi ønsker de skal komme - svarer endnu engang retur at vi som udgangpunkt ønsker det afholdt mellem 20.00-23.00 (har jeg i øvrigt oplyst om allerede ved første henvendelse) hvortil svaret så er “Uhh… Det kan vi desværre ikke klare…”. Synes det er bund useriøst at spille folks tid på den måde - både ift. at sende tilbud man ikke vil stå ved samt efterfølgende slet har mulighed for at komme. Kan på ingen måde anbefale dette firma!
3 people have already reviewed casinooplevelser-review/'>Casinooplevelser. Read about their experiences and share your own!
When and why was the double zero added to the American roulette wheel?
When and why was the double zero added to the American roulette wheel? The double zero was added to the American roulette wheel in the mid-19th century. The exact year is not clear, but it is believed to have been added around the 1860s. The reason for its addition was to increase the house edge, making the game more profitable for the casino. At the time, gambling was not regulated in the United States, and casinos were free to set their own rules and payouts.
What is the future of the game of roulette?
What is the future of the game of roulette? One potential future for roulette is the integration of virtual and augmented reality technologies. This would allow players to immerse themselves in a virtual casino environment and enjoy a more realistic and engaging gaming experience. Another potential future for roulette is the continued growth of online gaming. As more and more people turn to the internet for their gaming needs, online casinos are likely to become even more popular.
What are some famous roulette scandals and controversies throughout history?
What are some famous roulette scandals and controversies throughout history? 1. The Eudaemons – In the 1970s, a group of physics students at the University of California Santa Cruz used a computer to predict the outcomes of roulette games in Nevada casinos. They called themselves “The Eudaemons” and made significant profits before their operation was shut down. 2. The Ritz-Carlton Scandal – In 2004, a team of Eastern European gamblers used a laser scanner and a computer to predict where the ball would land on the roulette wheel at the Ritz-Carlton casino in London.
What is TP in WPT poker?
What is TP in WPT poker? Tournament Points (TPs) are used to buy into VIP tournaments on ClubWPT. All players start with a fixed amount of TPs (500) upon opening a VIP account. They cannot be reloaded, but will be automatically “topped up” once per day.
What is the origin of the name Roulette?
What is the origin of the name Roulette? The origin of the name “roulette” is French and it means “little wheel”. The name is derived from the fact that the game is played on a small wheel that spins around, with players betting on where the ball will land. The word “roulette” was first used in its current context in the 18th century, although the game itself dates back much earlier.
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