Revolutionarymoneysystem Reviews 2 • Average
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dean 2 reviews
Feb 26, 2012 -
DE Country
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finger weg von diesem system
- ich bin sowieso misstrauisch solchen sachen gegenüber wo man schnell geld verdienen kann. und dass sollten alle sein egal ob ihnen jemand einredet dass es 100% risikofrei ist. ihr müsst euch alle im klaren sein dass ihr gegen einen computer spielt der so programmiert ist euch das geld abzuzocken. und die casinos sind natürlich nicht dumm dieses beschriebene system funktionieren zu lassen. wie versprochen könnt ihr alles zuerst ausprobieren ohne mit eurem eigenen geld zu spielen. ihr habt die möglichkeit bei all diesen casinos mit spielgeld zu spielen. und da funktioniert auch alles wie beschrieben. es soll euch nur glauben lassen dass es risikofrei ist... wenn ihr aber mit echtem geld spielt dann sieht es ganz anders aus. selbst wenn ihr 100€ einbezahlt und 100€ geschenkt kriegt dh 200€ auf dem konto habt ist es nicht wirklich viel geld mit dem ihr spielen könnt. weil meistens ein minimumeinsatz und ein maximumeinsatz das casino vor diesem system schützen. wenn der minimumeinsatz 4€ ist dann steigt euer einsatz exponentiell auf 8 16 32 64128 256 usw. um mitmachen zu können und dabei zu gewinnen. das blöde ist dann wenn nicht mehr genug auf dem konto ist oder der maximumeinsatz bei 300 400 oder 500 € liegt. also habt ihr all euer geld verloren. darum rate ich allen neugierigen die denken man kann wirklich einfach geld machen ab. denn nur das casino trägt zu 100% kein risiko. und ihr verbrennt euch die finger... viel spass mit dem geld dass euch in der tasche bleibt
Elisabeth Manniche 11 reviews
Aug 16, 2011 -
DK Country
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2 people have already reviewed Revolutionarymoneysystem. Read about their experiences and share your own!
What role did roulette play in popular culture such as movies and literature?
What role did roulette play in popular culture, such as movies and literature? Roulette has played a significant role in popular culture, appearing in numerous movies, books, and other forms of media. In movies, roulette often appears as a symbol of glamour, luxury, and risk-taking. One of the most famous examples is the classic film “Casablanca,” where the game is prominently featured in several scenes. In the movie, the character Rick (played by Humphrey Bogart) runs a popular nightclub and casino in Casablanca, Morocco, where roulette is one of the main attractions.
How has technology influenced the game of roulette?
How has technology influenced the game of roulette, such as with electronic and automated versions of the game? One of the most significant technological advancements in the game of roulette has been the introduction of electronic roulette tables. These tables feature a digital display that simulates the spinning of the roulette wheel, and players can place their bets on a touchscreen interface. This allows for faster gameplay, as the wheel can be spun more frequently than with a traditional roulette table.
When and why was the double zero added to the American roulette wheel?
When and why was the double zero added to the American roulette wheel? The double zero was added to the American roulette wheel in the mid-19th century. The exact year is not clear, but it is believed to have been added around the 1860s. The reason for its addition was to increase the house edge, making the game more profitable for the casino. At the time, gambling was not regulated in the United States, and casinos were free to set their own rules and payouts.
What were the original rules and betting options for roulette?
What were the original rules and betting options for roulette? The original rules and betting options for roulette were relatively simple. The game featured a spinning wheel with numbered pockets, typically ranging from 1 to 36. The early versions of the game also featured a single zero pocket, which gave the house a slight edge. In some variations, there was also a double zero pocket, which further increased the house edge.
What is the future of the game of roulette?
What is the future of the game of roulette? One potential future for roulette is the integration of virtual and augmented reality technologies. This would allow players to immerse themselves in a virtual casino environment and enjoy a more realistic and engaging gaming experience. Another potential future for roulette is the continued growth of online gaming. As more and more people turn to the internet for their gaming needs, online casinos are likely to become even more popular.
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